Τρίτη 1 Ιουνίου 2010

Καμιά ασφάλεια δεν μπορεί να χτιστεί πάνω στα πτώματα διαμαρτυρόμενων πολιτών

Πάνω από 2.000 Ισραηλινοί συγκεντρώθηκαν τη Δευτέρα 31/5, στο Υπουργείο Άμυνας του Ισραήλ στο Τέλ Αβίβ, σε μια αυθόρμητη συγκέντρωση διαμαρτυρίας γεμάτη θυμό για τι δολοφονία των ειρηνιστών ακτιβιστών του Στόλου της Ελευθερίας από τις ειδικές δυνάμεις του Ισραηλινού στρατού. Στη συγκέντρωση συμμετείχε ένα ευρύ φάσμα πολιτικών δυνάμεων και οργανώσεων όπως η Gush Shalom, η Peace Now, το Meretz και τοHadash, καθώς και η Women's Coalition και αναρχικοί. Οι διαδηλωτές φώναξαν αντικυβερνητικά συνθήματα όπως "Μπάρακ, το αίμα των ακτιβιστών είναι στα χέρια σου" και "Ισραηλινός στρατός: τρομοκράτες με στολή" και απαίτησαν την άμεση λήξη του αποκλεισμού της λωρίδας της Γάζας από το Ισραήλ.

Η Ισραηλινή αστυνομία είχε ισχυρή παρουσία στη διαδήλωση και προχώρησε σε συλλήψεις διαδηλωτών.

"Security cannot be built - On the corpses of protesters!
31.5.10 - More than 2000 people, old and young, gathered opposite the Ministry of Defense in Tel-Aviv in a spontaneous demonstration of anger and protest, after soldiers of the "most elite units" of the IDF were sent to attack the Peace Flotilla that was on its way to Gaza. The number of killed and injured from among the peace activists on the boats proved that the aim of the action was to frighten and deter anyone who would undertake to break the blockade in future.

The demonstration was remarkable for the wide spectrum of activists who were urged by the sights of the night to take part. Side by side with Gush Shalom activists were members of Peace Now, people from Meretz and Hadash, the Women's Coalition and anarchists. All called in unison: "Security cannot be built / on the corpses of protesters!"

Many of the demonstrators had themselves participated in the past in efforts to get food, medicines and building material into Gaza through the roadblocks, under the slogan "Break the Blockade!" They followed with sympathy the efforts of peace ships from several countries to do this by sea.
"Bibi, Barak / the blood of the activists is on your hands!" called one poster. Another said: "The government is leading us all into suicide!", "They shoot protesters too!", "IDF / Terrorism in uniform!" and "No to piracy / Yes to peace!"

A large force of police and Border Guard officers was deployed to guard the ministry, obviously out of fear that the protesters might try to storm the building. However, there was no violence, except for a few arrests.

Some dozens of the protesters came to the Defense Ministry straight from Ashdod, where they had been demonstrating at the gates of the harbor while the attack was still under way.

"The blockade imposed on 1.8 million inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, men, woman and children, is inhuman, immoral and illegal, and must be broken!" a Gush Shalom activist told the many media people who covered the demonstration. "There is no doubt that after this flotilla, more will come, and that the dimensions of the action will grow, until the leaders of Israel realize that the blockade is hurting Israel much more than Hamas."


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